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Robot Professor Goes Rogue in Physical Therapy Class

In search of creative ways to teach rehabilitation therapy students, one prominent university is testing the new AutoProf1000, a robot teaching device developed by a group of cutting-edge researchers who are also responsible for several popular mobile phone apps. The AutoProf1000 stores a digital download of hundreds of therapy textbooks, practice manuals and pharmaceutical databases. According to its designers, it can answer any question that a rehab therapy student "texts" or "IM"s to it in fourteen seconds or less. And because it has six multi- pronged arms and is mounted on casters, the AutoProf1000 is capable of demonstrating at least three routine PT procedures at once. In beta testing, the AutoProf1000 received sub-par evaluations for a kinesiology lesson in which it repeatedly told a mock patient to "move it, move it, move it, move it" until a student finally took out the AutoProf's batteries. Designers attributed this to a simple "programming error" and told everyone to have a happy April Fools' Day.

The world may not be ready for AutoProf1000 just yet, but if you're ready to advance your career in rehabilitation therapy, give us a call at 800-617-0608 or browse some of our best therapy jobs online.