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Now is the Time for Change

Thoughts from a contributing writer

Recently I had the pleasure of seeing my dentist for my routine check-up and cleaning. As usual he was running behind, and his assistant came in and offered me something to read to pass some time as he worked on the poor soul in the room next to mine. The assistant brought me back a Time Magazine, although I was hoping it would have been People. (I am not the gossipy type and never purchase it for myself, but will admit to reading it every "free" chance I get.)

This Time was different — the cover story gripped my attention quickly — "10 Ideas Changing the World Today." The first one being "Jobs Are the New Asset" by Barbara Kiviat. In short, she was stating that in today's economy with people losing money on their stock portfolios and the housing market crashing, people are seeing their jobs as an asset and taking the time to "invest in their careers again."

Today's healthcare professional is in high demand; there are shortages everywhere for nurses and therapists! I started to salivate (and not from any Novocain injections) at what this can mean to travel nurses and traveling therapists. You have an opportunity that others don't have; your asset can also be an adventure! It is truly unique to be able to work in a field where you have the ability to "change it up" and experience new things — not just from a destination standpoint but from a learning perspective, too.

This is the perfect moment to “Go-Learn-Do” with your career

I think taking your J-O-B from "just a job" and making it feel like an asset takes passion for what you do. Let's face it, sometimes we all lose sight of why we do what we do everyday. We get caught in the rat race. The solution for all of you out there in the healthcare industry: TRAVEL!! Make your job your passion again. Remember why you became a nurse or allied professional to begin with. Reinvent your career. Traveling can make that happen! I am so enthusiastic about having a job as a recruiter. Giving people an avenue to do something that they would never have done before excites me! Many, many times I hear from my travelers, " I am so burned out and am looking for a change, but nursing is who I am." Then after an assignment I hear, "I never thought I would have learned so much," and "I have tried so many new things that I never dreamed possible."

On every assignment you can learn something new from the facilities and people you work with. A traveling nurse can really get an education. Changing the geographical destination will keep it fresh too. Having new sights to see and sharing it with new friends can make a world of difference in your life. (Think about the fun of experiencing the Big Apple with rent free New York travel nurse jobs and paid round trip travel!). I do not know many professions that offer this type of opportunity — not to take advantage of it is kinda crazy!

So let me just say this: Go - Learn - Do.