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My Hip Surgery Rehab

Notes from a contributing writer and therapist

There I was…24 hours after hip surgery, crutching in for my first physical therapy visit at one of the world’s most famous orthopedic therapy clinics. I allowed myself to be the patient to absorb all that these highly skilled PT’s were teaching me. My hip was grateful to be there during those first 4 days…

I was in awe of the PT’s who were fortunate to work in this rehab clinic with my surgeon who is internationally known, and his patients, mostly high-level athletes with sports injuries. I speculated how traveling physical therapists are exposed to therapy career resources such as this! (Note to self…after my rehab is complete, consider looking for a Colorado physical therapy job as a traveler!)

Those early treatments were consistent with the surgeon’s suggested protocol. I did some work myself; isometrics to my hip and stationary biking, but was thankful for the hands-on hip flexor releases and gentle passive ROM. The biggest challenge I faced was potential hip flexor tendinitis, and after I returned home that was the yardstick upon which I based all interventions’ success or weakness. I kept a log of my experiences and shared it with my surgeon as I coyly announced at my follow up visit that I ‘broke protocol’ but had no tendinitis! He agreed that protocols are merely guidelines as he considered my suggestions for improvement.

PT’s … have you made adaptations to orthopedic surgery protocols? How were your suggestions received by the referring surgeon?