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HIPAA Regulations to Require Notification of Patient Record Security Breach

The US Health and Human Services Department recently updated HIPAA regulations to require that healthcare providers  notify patients if the confidentiality of patient health records is breached. The update  is designed to strengthen consumer confidence in the personal security of digital record keeping, as the healthcare industry moves toward electronic medical records.

We all know that the (seemingly ancient) file folder system of record-keeping can occasionally negatively impact the quality of patient care. But it must also be said that online systems aren't perfect either.  Conversion to an EMR system can be costly, technologically challenging, and there are privacy issues.

Not only are more patient records moving online, so too are the employment records of  medical professionals. Traveling physical therapy jobs may trigger a special interest in online record keeping; the nature of a travel therapy job means it is likely that your records and those of your patients are likely to be online already. The various organizations with which you work should be taking measures to ensure the privacy of patient and staff information.

You can learn more about HHS privacy regulations here: