allied health agency blog

American Traveler Allied Blog

As a leader in allied health recruitment solutions, our team of dedicated professionals places occupational therapists, physical therapists, radiology technologists and other allied health professionals in short and long term assignments at top-rated healthcare facilities. In our blog we cover contingent staffing trends, featured destinations, and share stories from fellow travelers.

2010 Physical Therapy Association Calendar Packed with PT Events -- Continuing to grow and improve your skills as a PT takes time and dedication. Of course... read more
May is Speech and Hearing Month—a celebration of miracle workers -- No two ways about it, Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs) are miracle workers.... read more
Physical Therapist Jobs for PTs with DPT -- Recently, we had a PT career question regarding a job after earning a Doctor of... read more
National Occupational Therapy Month well under way this April -- Just like everyone else, occupational therapists file their taxes in the spring, with... read more
Top 8 Physical Therapy Certifications by Specialty -- Get Your Physical Therapy Certification and Earn more in Advanced Specialty Jobs In... read more
Top 40 Tips for Physical Therapy Career Success -- The Physical Therapist’s Top 40 Countdown to Career Success and Financial Bliss If... read more
What Physical Therapists Need to Know about Top Ranking Hospitals -- The best rehabilitation hospitals in America boil down to a “Top 25” list, and are... read more
Have an Appetite for Fun Food? Check our Therapist Deal's Guide -- Rehabilitation therapy jobs can create an appetite for fun food; read on to find some... read more
Physical Therapists Working with Recovering Arthroscopic Surgery Patients ... -- Knowing more about new tools in medical robotics is a help. Arthroscopic surgery means... read more
How to make your therapist career an open road to happiness and professional fulfillment -- Occupational and physical therapist jobs are part of a strong rehab team, wherein... read more
Ballet Puts Heart Health on Center Stage -- As a physical therapist, you’re probably well aware that February is American Heart ... read more
CDC page helps Rehab Therapy professionals treat sports-related injuries -- When it comes to helping Rehab Therapy professionals treat sports-related injuries, The... read more
Cover letter tips for landing your first physical therapist job -- If you recently graduated from a therapy program or expect to graduate soon, there’s... read more
Want a rewarding career in Physical Therapy? Read on for cutting edge credentialing and licensure info -- As a dedicated PT, you spend your days restoring, maintaining and promoting the overall... read more
Electronic Textbooks Take a Step Closer to Reality -- Physical therapy students who are tired of paying exorbitant prices for their... read more
American Traveler Allied Jobs put you close to Mardi Gras this month -- Want a Mardi Gras party? You don’t have to go all the way to New Orleans. For the next... read more
Therapy Job Location - Southeast Tidbit -- Stay fit and enjoy the scenery of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. When on... read more
Therapy Jobs Growing in Years to Come -- The year has just begun, and already physical therapists and occupational therapists... read more
Attention Physical Therapists: There's a New Gown in Town and its name is Bair Paws Flex -- It gets cold in the Midwest, but at Arizant Inc., a forced air blanket provider in... read more
Top 10 Happiest States Are a Good Destination for Traveling Therapists – Part II -- Mulling where to accept your next travel therapist job? Consider one of the Top 10... read more